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The Astro Ecologies Institute, founded in 2020, is a research and development centre focused on new research growing understandings of communication in the cosmos: on earth and outer space. The Institute combines ecological research and astrophysics, developing connections across ecologies, technologies, science and society in the emerging space age.

Our clear remit is to meet extractive space futures with different paths for relations between earth and outer space. The Institute convenes transdisciplinary research, supporting scientific, cultural, and artistic approaches to develop new strategies for knowledge, policy, adaptation, and readiness in response to climate breakdown and the second space age, with a focus on communication as a way to shift the planetary conversation. We do this work through looking to the roots, with research on the origin of life, the deep time of culture and the media, and varieties of knowledge about the planet and stars that shape our current era, whilst looking to the future, with speculative research and arts practice engaging fresh ways to go onwards.

 The network, held in Aotearoa (New Zealand), originally launched as a community initiative to make ecological knowledge more accessible. The Astro Ecologies Institute has expanded into a planetary network of scientists, researchers, and creatives, collectively curious about fresh approaches astro ecologies, and healthy futures for Earth as part of cosmos.