


Astro Ecologies Institute | Te Whanganui a Tara/Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

About  Contact
The Astro Ecologies Institute, founded in 2020, is a research and development centre focused on developing understanding of communication in the cosmos: on earth and outer space. The Institute combines ecological research and astrophysics, developing connections across ecologies, technologies, science and society in the emerging space age.
→ Statement


The Institute convenes transdisciplinary research, supporting scientific, cultural, and artistic approaches to develop new strategies for policy, adaptation, and readiness in response to climate breakdown and the second space age.

Focusing on alternatives to extractive space futures as response to eco-social crisis, we look to the past—exploring the deep time of culture and the media, and varieties of knowledge about the planet and stars that shape our current era—while looking always to the future, with speculative research and the arts, towards discovering plural ways onwards.
→ Docs


 The network, held in Aotearoa (New Zealand), originally launched as a community initiative to make ecological knowledge more accessible. The Astro Ecologies Institute has expanded into a planetary network of scientists, researchers, and creatives, collectively curious about fresh approaches astro ecologies, and healthy futures for Earth as part of cosmos.

→ Discord
Cosmoimaginaries Programme

Moving beyond extractive visions of space exploration, our Cosmoimaginaries programme that opened June solstice 2023 embraces more-than-human approaches—through art, ethnography, archaeology, and storytelling—to explore questions of communication, life, and SETI, that refigures the study of outer space.

Through live in-person events, and online speaker programmes, we invite audiences into scientific, cultural, and creative encounters, focusing on Earth's connection to the broader ecological processes of the universe.
→ 2023—2026
Art Science

Art Science and creative methods expand restricted and reductive understandings and definitions of communication and life on earth and the Universe. Creative methods open up feeling, sensing, perceiving of diverse ways of knowing and being, using relational and poetic techniques to address pressing issues in the era of climate crisis and systemic change. With strong connections across Oceania, the Institute is committed to accessible public engagement through events, workshops, and exhibitions.
→ 2024—2026

Home  Contact

The Astro Ecologies Institute, founded in 2020, is a research and development centre focused on new research growing understandings of communication in the cosmos: on earth and outer space. The Institute combines ecological research and astrophysics, developing connections across ecologies, technologies, science and society in the emerging space age.

Our clear remit is to meet extractive space futures with different paths for relations between earth and outer space. The Institute convenes transdisciplinary research, supporting scientific, cultural, and artistic approaches to develop new strategies for knowledge, policy, adaptation, and readiness in response to climate breakdown and the second space age, with a focus on communication as a way to shift the planetary conversation. We do this work through looking to the roots, with research on the origin of life, the deep time of culture and the media, and varieties of knowledge about the planet and stars that shape our current era, whilst looking to the future, with speculative research and arts practice engaging fresh ways to go onwards.

 The network, held in Aotearoa (New Zealand), originally launched as a community initiative to make ecological knowledge more accessible. The Astro Ecologies Institute has expanded into a planetary network of scientists, researchers, and creatives, collectively curious about fresh approaches astro ecologies, and healthy futures for Earth as part of cosmos.